July creative challenge

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A new month and a new challenge…

One thing I hear over and over is that people want to be creative, work in their journal or paint a canvas, but just don’t have the time. I get it. Many of us have so many demands on our time, it’s hard to get even the necessary things done. This month I want us to make progress towards bringing more creativity into our lives. I was hesitant to start this challenge during the summer. This may be a busy time of year with vacations and kids at home. It’s halfway through the year already. Why not wait until January? I think starting a new habit is like having a baby…you are never completely ready.

The next six months will pass whether you are using it or not. At the end of the year, you can see results or you can still be wishing to be more creative.

The first step to opening the door to your creativity is allowing space for it, both physical space and mental space. The thought of this may cause immediate tension. How will you fit one more thing into your schedule? I may not have all the answers, but I can at least show you a path that may get you closer to your goal.

Let’s start with our physical space for creativity. Do you already have a designated space? If not, let’s get to work on making one. If you have a space, can we fine tune it?


Let’s find some space

  • Look for little unused nooks in your home - a closet, unused space at the top of the stairs, a corner of your bedroom, an unused dining room

  • No space to be found? How about a mobile art space? IKEA’s Raskog cart is a favorite of mine. You could also have a tray or tote with some supplies that could move around the house with you.


Take a look at your space

  • If you already have a space, how can we make it more inspiring? I like to include candles, plants, inspiring art, crystals, twinkly lights and pretty cups in my space.

  • Keeping my space organized is always a challenge. But having an somewhat organized space helps me be more creative. I do not have a “Pinterest worthy” space on any day. My studio is a working studio, but I need to have some clear space in order to feel creative.


This week let’s get our space set-up. You want it to be a happy place that inspires you. Don’t worry about it being perfect. My studio is always changing with things moved around and added. By making a space to be creative, you can train your brain to be open to creativity. That is a big step towards being a creative person.

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The Creative Stretch


June challenge wrap-up