Now what?

We’re at week 6 of our creative challenge. We have set our intentions, created a schedule, allowed ourselves to play, focused our creativity. What else can we do?

The first thing I want you to do is give yourself some credit for making it this far. Even if you haven’t lived up to the intention you set, you made progress. A creative practice does not happen overnight. Any steps you have taken get your farther along the path. Now let’s build on that.

Are there any areas that you stumbled?

  • Maybe you planned to use free time, but it never seemed to happen. Another option is to schedule it, just like you would any other appointment.

  • Maybe you couldn’t focus on one project. Let’s look at why that happened. Is your art space full of lots of stuff? Can you create a small art kit to carry to the living room?

  • Maybe your intentions were too loose. Saying you want to be creative is one thing. Saying you want to play with watercolors for 15 minutes every evening is a focused intention.

  • Maybe you didn’t really play. Did you try to create ugly art? Did you create with no intention?

  • Maybe you didn’t send the right signals to your brain. Is your art space doing double-duty as an office? Do you think your brain knows you want to create and not pay bills? Clean up before your creative time so you only see your art supplies.

Set your plan for the next few weeks and let’s get to arting!

creativity challenge art journaling

I wish I created all the time


Add a dash of focus