You picked your ONE WORD, now what?
If you picked a word for your year, CONGRATULATIONS. I am a firm believer in picking a word to help guide your year. I know I spend alot of time thinking about which word to pick, what it means to all areas of my life, how I want that word to manifest. By the time I pick a word, you would think the hard work is over.
The hard work is keeping your One Word in your life. Much like New Years Resolutions, your word can go to the back of your mind within a few weeks. How can you keep your focus on it during the year? I have a few tips for you based on my experiences.
Keep your One Word in your life…
Keep your word in front of you….literally. Consider a bracelet with your word, post-its around your home, a wooden sign for your work area.
Set specific goals related to your word. If your word is “focus” think about what areas of your life you want to focus on and then set some goals.
Set a reminder for a weekly, monthly or quarterly review of your word and your progress.
Tell a friend about your word or join a One Word group. Sometimes having accountability is the right motivation to pay attention to your word.