In your groove or in a rut?

How do you tell the difference between being in the groove and in a creative rut? It’s all in the feeling. A groove feels like the creative ideas are flowing easily, you are excited about what you are making and you want to make more. A rut is the opposite feeling…uninspired, bored, unmotivated to make things. If you feel like you are in a rut, how can you get out?

Ruts happen to all of us. Sometimes I feel like I am just making the same thing over and over. I find myself grabbing the same colors because it is easy. I am making things, but not feeling inspired. Over the years I have found some tips that help me break through a rut.

I have found that the main reason I end up in a rut is because I found something I am good at and I stop challenging myself. Everyone likes to create “good” art, but the challenges are what make you feel inspired. So my first tip is to find a challenge. Try something new to you. I typically work in abstract, so challenging myself with some realism can break me out of a rut. I have tried perspective drawing recently. It is very hard for me, but I have already noticed how it make me think about shadows and light sources in my artwork differently.

My next tip is to limit your supplies. I sometimes find myself overwhelmed with all of the supplies on my desk. I feel that I have to try EVERYTHING and that can make it hard to work. Sometimes I will clean off my desk and only have a few supplies close by. I even like to pull out my forgotten supplies and put those on my desk. Seeing them out in front of me usually inspires me to find ways to use them.

You can also find a way to change your view. If you have a creative space, rearrange it to give you a fresh perspective. If you don’t have an assigned creative space, move to another spot. If you usually create at the dining room table, try sitting outside.

My last tip for today is to make a creative routine. Maybe you always make yourself a cup of tea or light a candle when you start creating. Make your creative time something special, not something you squeeze in when you can. Honor the time you give yourself and allow yourself to truly enjoy your time.


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