Need a creative challenge?
Sometimes the easiest way to break out of a creative rut is to give yourself a creative challenge. I know right now may not seem like the right time to start something new, but I think there will never be the “right” time.
You can find many creative challenges online and one may work for you. If you want to start with something smaller, you can make your own creative challenge. I have given myself many creative challenges over the years. I have a few suggestions, if you want to try one of your own.
Choose a shorter period of time. I am the person who likes to jump in with the “create a painting every day for the rest of my life” challenges. Sounds great, but has never worked for me. Set yourself a shorter time period to start (30 days, 60 days). If you are enjoying the challenge, extend the time. It’s your challenge so you can set and change the rules.
Pick a smaller project to work on. One of my most successful challenges was when I decided to use a tiny Moleskine journal. Each page is about the size of an index card. I can work in it for just a few minutes and feel like I accomplished something.
Limit your supplies. If you are like me and like ALL of the supplies, limiting yourself for a challenge can be helpful. My last challenge was working in a journal using only collage. I had a box where I kept smaller paper scraps, glue stick and scissors. Then each day I didn’t have to search for supplies, so one less excuse.
Limit your daily time on the challenge. One of my favorite challenges is setting a time limit. I give myself 15 minutes a day to work on my challenge. I even set a timer so I stick to my challenge. A time limit forces me to stop overthinking and just do. I never expect to make a masterpiece in 15 minutes, but I have created some great journal pages.
Last year I recorded my 15 minute challenges. You can check them out on YouTube. The first video shows you how I created the journal I use.