Join me to reflect on art and life.
Let’s celebrate some women
I am always shocked when I hear how few female artists are represented in museums. Depending on whose numbers you look at, it is somewhere between 11% and 18%. Both numbers are upsetting considered about 46% of artists identify as female. That is alot of underrepresentation. I don’t have the answers to how this can change, but I do know that being more educated on female artists is one step.
So, let me introduce our first special guest…
Thank you to Artemisia for standing up to societal norms at the time.
I wish I created all the time
I know I had a romantic vision of what it would be like to be a working artist. (Most of my early dreams involved living in New York City, for one.) I thought every day would be filled with paint and brushes at a huge easel, naps on a bohemian sofa and twinkle lights everywhere. I never pictured myself sitting at a computer, learning about search engines or applying for a business license. But, here I am.
What did you think your creative life would look like? Did you always know you were going to be an artist? Did you find or rediscover art later in life?
I was creative growing up. My dad taught me how to sketch horses; I made puppets for puppet shows; I even went to a performing arts high school as a drama major. Then “real life” came calling. I wanted to go to art school for Interior Design, but my parents recommended a more profitable career. I never completely gave up my creativity, but my time was very limited. Twenty years later and out of the corporate world, I slowly started rediscovering art. I don’t know if art school would have been the right path for me, but I am so glad I am where I am now, living a life I fill with creativity.
Now what?
We’re at week 6 of our creative challenge. We have set our intentions, created a schedule, allowed ourselves to play, focused our creativity. What else can we do?
The first thing I want you to do is give yourself some credit for making it this far. Even if you haven’t lived up to the intention you set, you made progress. A creative practice does not happen overnight. Any steps you have taken get your farther along the path. Now let’s build on that.
Are there any areas that you stumbled?
Maybe you planned to use free time, but it never seemed to happen. Another option is to schedule it, just like you would any other appointment.
Maybe you couldn’t focus on one project. Let’s look at why that happened. Is your art space full of lots of stuff? Can you create a small art kit to carry to the living room?
Maybe your intentions were too loose. Saying you want to be creative is one thing. Saying you want to play with watercolors for 15 minutes every evening is a focused intention.
Maybe you didn’t really play. Did you try to create ugly art? Did you create with no intention?
Maybe you didn’t send the right signals to your brain. Is your art space doing double-duty as an office? Do you think your brain knows you want to create and not pay bills? Clean up before your creative time so you only see your art supplies.
Set your plan for the next few weeks and let’s get to arting!
Add a dash of focus
A few years ago when I decided to focus on my creativity, I didn’t concentrate on focusing my effort. At that point my goal was to bring any creative time into my life. As I met that goal, I started collecting ideas and inspiration. I find that most creative people are hyper-creative…you love it all, want to try it all. Once you start down the creative path, it is a slippery slope.
Now, I love all the things. ALL THE THINGS! I routinely tell my workshop attendees that I have never met an art supply I didn’t like. This leads to a very busy artist and a messy studio (which I love)… but, it also leads to a lack of focus. I know focus doesn’t seem fun, but a little focus can lead to a more satisfying creative routine.
…I know I am saying alot of fun-sucking words like focus and routine, but stick with me here…
Adding a bit of focus can allow you to explore something in depth. It can allow you to complete an art challenge. It can get you through a time when you have limited space or time. It can take away the feeling of not completing projects.
Send your brain some signals
One of the best things I have done for my creative practice is adopt a routine for starting my practice. When I only had a few minutes to create, it seemed like I should just jump in. I would often feel discombobulated, my brain not shifting from “mom mode”. I would spend that precious time thinking about the laundry I needed to finish or what I was going to make for dinner.
I started adding a little ritual to the beginning of my studio time. Initially I started with just lighting a candle and taking a few deep breaths. Over time I have added to that routine. Now I have a stack of inspirational cards I pull from, incense I burn, candles, even a Tibetan bell. The important thing isn’t what you use, it’s that you have a routine that works for you.
There is a little science behind this. Our brain reads our routines to prepare itself for specific activities that it has learned over time. If you put on workout clothes enough, you brain prepares for exercise. Your pajamas can trigger sleep. The brain likes routines, so it is always trying to learn them. A repeated routine can create a new neural pathway. That is how habits are formed.
Remember how to play
Here we are at week three of our creativity challenge. This week’s assignment is to get playful. One of the biggest blocks to creativity can be your expectations. Have you ever been disappointed by your final product because it doesn’t match your vision of it? Then your disappointment leads to a creative dry spell? Being playful with no set expectations is the perfect remedy to this.
Now let’s dedicate some time
Last week we talked about setting a creative intention.
Now we need to allow ourselves the time to live that intention.
A few years ago I wrote about how I set a creative intention to paint every day. By the end of January I was so discouraged that I had only painted a few days that month. I tried going from zero to sixty with no warm-up. To say my creative muscle was tired from the effort was an understatement. Looking back at that attempt, I learned that I needed to start slower. My next intention was to sit in my studio every day. It seems like a bog step back, but it was the habit that stuck. I started spending time in my studio every day, even if it was 20 minutes while I ate lunch. Just being in that space, made me want to spend more time there. Once I had that habit set, I added 15 minutes of a “creative something” every day. I had no set expectations, just do something.
So, where can you find time? Start with 5-15 minutes. Here are some suggestions that have worked for me….
pack a “sofa bag” and create while watching TV in the evenings
add a few minutes to your morning or evening routine and do something creative
carry a few supplies in your purse or car and create while waiting in carline or at an appointment
trade book reading for an audiobook (or a podcast) and create while listening
create while you eat lunch
give up 15 minutes of social media and create instead
create during a phone call you are just listening to
assign one 15 minute task to someone else in your house and use that time to create
Do you have any other tips to share? How can you dedicate time to your creative intention?